Measure requires schools to display Ten Commandments A copy of the Ten Commandments is posted along with other historical documents in a hallway of the Georgia Capitol in Atlanta in June. (AP/John Bazemore) BATON ROUGE — Louisiana won’t take official steps to implement a law requiring the Ten Commandments to be placed in all of the state’s public school classrooms until at least November as a lawsuit makes its way through the courts, according to an agreement approved by a federal judge Friday. The suit was filed in June by parents of Louisiana public school children with various religious backgrounds, who said the law violates First Amendment language forbidding government establishment of religion and guaranteeing religious liberty. Backers of the law argue that the Ten Commandments belong in classrooms because they are historical and are part of the foundation of U.S. law. The Louisiana law requires the commandments to be posted no later than Jan. 1, a deadline unaffected by Friday’s agreement. The deal assures that the defendants in the lawsuit — state education officials and several local school boards — will not post the commandments in classrooms before Nov. 15 and won’t make rules governing the law’s implementation […]
