A cross is seen on the roof of a church. REUTERS/FILE All churches and religious organisations will be required to submit financial returns every year to the government if a proposed draft law to curb religious extremism and extortion is passed. The draft Religious Organisations Bill, 2024 was submitted to President William Ruto on Tuesday by the Presidential Taskforce on the Review of the Legal and Regulatory Framework Governing Religious Organisations in Kenya. It proposes the establishment of the Religious Affairs Commission to oversee religious matters. Every religious institution in Kenya will be required to furnish the commission with financial returns, accounts, register of members and other documents as required. “Any religious institution which files its returns out of time shall pay such penalty for late filing as may be prescribed,” the draft law reads. “Any person who wilfully makes or orders, causes or procures to be made any false entry in or omission from any return, register of members, account or other document furnished under this section commits an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand shillings or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, or to both.” […]
