Supreme Court rejects Christian grandma florist fined for refusing same-sex wedding

Supreme Court rejects Christian grandma florist fined for refusing same-sex wedding

Barronelle Stutzman, surrounded by supporters, speaks with the media after appearing for the Washington Supreme Court at Bellevue College on Nov. 15, 2016. | Screenshot: Facebook/Alliance Defending Freedom The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected the appeal of a Christian florist from Washington state fined refusing to make a floral arrangement…

Supreme Court Turns Down Appeal in Clash Between Florist and Gay Couple

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court announced on Friday that it would not hear an appeal from a florist in Washington State who said she had a constitutional right to refuse to create a floral arrangement for a same-sex wedding. The move left open a question the court last considered in…

SCOTUS Ruling on Same-Sex Foster Care Harms LGBTQ Youth, Adults

SCOTUS Ruling on Same-Sex Foster Care Harms LGBTQ Youth, Adults

The Supreme Court The narrow U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia contributes further to the perceived legal entitlement of faith-based organizations to discriminate while utilizing taxpayer’s money, argues Sruti Swaminathan, staff attorney for Lambda Legal. She contends the recent string of SCOTUS religious liberty holdings shows…

Family at center of Maine school choice case hopes for U.S. Supreme Court victory

Family at center of Maine school choice case hopes for U.S. Supreme Court victory

David and Amy Carson of Maine, pictured here with their daughter, Olivia, are challenging a 41-year-old policy that that limits to secular schools a state program offering financial assistance to families seeking education choice for their children. David and Amy Carson both graduated from Bangor Christian School s, housed in…

High Court Needs To Restore Rights for the Religious

High Court Needs To Restore Rights for the Religious

Americans need to live and let live. Let the LGBTQ activists practice their preferences, and let Christians live the Gospel. On Thursday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 9-0 that a Catholic Social Services adoption agency in Philadelphia could continue to place children only with heterosexual couples, consistent with the Gospel’s…

High Court Needs To Restore Rights for the Religious

High Court Needs To Restore Rights for the Religious

Americans need to live and let live. Let the LGBTQ activists practice their preferences, and let Christians live the Gospel. On Thursday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 9-0 that a Catholic Social Services adoption agency in Philadelphia could continue to place children only with heterosexual couples, consistent with the Gospel’s…

A narrow SCOTUS ruling with serious implications for religious liberty

A narrow SCOTUS ruling with serious implications for religious liberty

On Thursday, the Supreme Court issued a much-anticipated ruling in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia. In 2018, the city of Philadelphia barred Catholic Social Services (CSS) from placing foster children, as it had been doing for over 200 years, unless it changed its policy on same-sex households. Rather than compromise…

Supreme Court issues a win for religious liberty, but just barely

Supreme Court issues a win for religious liberty, but just barely

The Supreme Court this week took one small step for religious freedom. Unfortunately, it failed to take the giant leap needed to fully protect religious practice. In Fulton v. City of Philadelphia , the court considered the plight of the Catholic church, which has served Philadelphia’s needy children in various…

Protecting free exercise under Smith and after Smith

Protecting free exercise under Smith and after Smith

This article is part of a symposium on the court’s decision in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia . Thomas C. Berg is the James L. Oberstar professor of law and public policy at the University of St. Thomas (Minnesota). Douglas Laycock is the Robert E. Scott distinguished professor of law…

Religious freedom remains a ticking time bomb

The 2015 Supreme Court decision extending the right to marry to same-sex adult couples contained a ticking time bomb. Six years later, the noise is getting loud. The explosive material has to do with religious freedom. While polls clearly show that a growing majority of Americans support marriage equality, a…

The woke crusade against Christian baker Jack Phillips continues

The woke crusade against Christian baker Jack Phillips continues

The woke crusade against Christian baker Jack Phillips continues. The religious owner of the Colorado-based Masterpiece Cakeshop rose to national prominence after he, in 2012, declined to make a custom wedding cake for a same-sex wedding. Phillips cited his First Amendment right to not promote ideas contrary to his cherished…

Opinion: We’re still on a collision course over Masterpiece Cakeshop

The 2015 Supreme Court decision extending the right to marry to same-sex adult couples contained a ticking time bomb. Six years later, the noise is getting loud. The explosive material has to do with religious freedom. While polls clearly show that a growing majority of Americans support marriage equality, a…

Guest Commentary: Let’s talk discovery, religion and logo

Anticipating the Santa Maria Joint Union High School District’s pending assessment of its Columbus ship logo, I respond to recent commentary that asserted the logo is “fully fitting” for the district. The commentary is informative for evaluating the logo’s appropriateness, but not in the way its author intended. Consider two…

David Adler: The mystery of the Ninth Amendment

David Adler: The mystery of the Ninth Amendment

David Adler Likely the most mysterious provision of the Bill of Rights, the question of the meaning of the Ninth Amendment has generated numerous interpretations and theories. Though not invoked by the Supreme Court until 1965, it has come to play an important role in advancing the rights and liberties…