Religious freedom protections just got a lot sturdier

Religious freedom protections just got a lot sturdier

In the Nov. 4, 2020 photo, The Supreme Court in Washington. A unanimous Supreme Court ruled Thursday that Muslim men who were placed on the government’s no-fly list because they refused to serve as FBI informants can seek to hold federal agents financially liable. The justices continued a string of…

The Supreme Court – December 10, 2020

The Supreme Court – December 10, 2020

Rutledge v. Pharmaceutical Care Management Assn. , No. 18-540: Arkansas’ Act 900 regulates the price at which pharmacy benefit managers (“PBMs”) reimburse pharmacies for the cost of drugs covered by prescription-drug plans. Respondent Pharmaceutical Care Management Association is a trade association representing PBMs that brought suit claiming that Act 900…

Menorahs in Basalt pass legal test

Menorahs in Basalt pass legal test

Mark Kwiecienski complains about menorahs in public parks in Basalt ( “Menorahs don’t belong on public land,” Dec. 4, The Aspen Times). He says such religious displays violate the prohibition on “separation of church and state” and the establishment clause of the U.S. Constitution. Kwiecienski is wrong on the facts…

COLEMAN: I am thankful for our religious freedoms

COLEMAN: I am thankful for our religious freedoms

Landon Coleman is pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church in Odessa. Reach him at or read his blog at Regular “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right…

Religious groups take New York’s house of worship limits to U.S. Supreme Court

Religious groups take New York’s house of worship limits to U.S. Supreme Court

Two religious organizations have filed emergency applications asking the U.S. Supreme Court to bar enforcement of New York’s COVID-19 limits on attendance at houses of worship. Agudath Israel of America, an umbrella organization representing affiliated Orthodox Jewish congregations across the nation, and two Orthodox congregations in New York City filed…

Orthodox group asks Supreme Court to block restrictions on synagogues

Orthodox group asks Supreme Court to block restrictions on synagogues

Agudath Israel, an umbrella organization representing haredi Orthodox Jews, is challenging New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s limitations on houses of worship in “red zones.” THE US Supreme Court ( JTA ) — After several challenges to pandemic-induced restrictions on houses of worship citing religious liberty, an Orthodox Jewish advocacy group…

Tunbridge Wells vicar launches legal action over closure of churches

Tunbridge Wells vicar launches legal action over closure of churches

They said they would do it and they have. A group of church leaders – including a vicar from Tunbridge Wells – has launched a claim for judicial review of the English and Welsh governments’ decision to close churches during lockdown. Rev Peter Sanlon In total 122 church leaders from…

The Chief Justice’s Unexpected Super Precedent from the Shadow Docket

On May 29, 2020, the Supreme Court denied an injunction in South Bay United Pentecostal Church v. Newsom . The Court’s order was a single sentence. Chief Justice Roberts wrote a solo concurrence that stretched about two pages. According to Westlaw, 114 cases have cited the Chief’s concurrence. (I cited…

Tunbridge Wells vicar launches legal action over closure of churches

Tunbridge Wells vicar launches legal action over closure of churches

They said they would do it and they have. A group of church leaders – including a vicar from Tunbridge Wells – has launched a claim for judicial review of the English and Welsh governments’ decision to close churches during lockdown. Rev Peter Sanlon In total 122 church leaders from…

Court: First Amendment does not protect ‘ganja minister’s’ marijuana grow

Court: First Amendment does not protect ‘ganja minister’s’ marijuana grow

A marijuana plant is visible at Compassionate Care Foundation’s medical marijuana dispensary in Egg Harbor Township, N.J. The First Amendment does not a protect a "ganja minister’s" right to cultivate more cannabis plants than state law allows, the Colorado Court of Appeals ruled on Thursday. Aaron Snyder Torline was an…

SCOTUS Hears Arguments Over Discrimination Against Catholic Social Services

SCOTUS Hears Arguments Over Discrimination Against Catholic Social Services

Bill Chizek/iStock/Getty Images Plus The Supreme Court heard opening arguments in an important religious discrimination case on Wednesday that has been festering since 2018: Sharonell Fulton et. al. v. City of Philadelphia . Back in 2018, the liberal Philadelphia Inquirer discovered that two religiously based foster-care agencies — Bethany Christian…