Judge cites scripture in rebuke of Mayor Bowser’s worship restrictions

Judge cites scripture in rebuke of Mayor Bowser’s worship restrictions

Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. | Wikimedia Commons/Farragutful A federal judge quoted Hebrews 10:25 as he ruled against Mayor Muriel Bowser’s restriction on outdoor church services of more than 100 people, allowing Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., to resume in-person outdoor services. “It is for the…

Court Slaps D.C. Mayor for Discriminating Against Church

Court Slaps D.C. Mayor for Discriminating Against Church

After months of attempting to persuade D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (shown) to grant them an exception to her draconian virus-inspired restrictions on in-person meetings by churches, the Capitol Hill Baptist Church (CHBC) filed suit in September . The church said, “Meeting in-person as one congregation is a deeply-held conviction for…

Pandemic, Politics, and Solidarity: A Discussion of Fratelli Tutti

Pandemic, Politics, and Solidarity: A Discussion of Fratelli Tutti

Meghan Clark, Professor of Theology and Religious Studies, St. John’s University Massimo Faggioli, Professor of Theology and Religious Studies, Villanova University David Gibson, Director, Center for Religion and Culture, Fordham University Damon Silvers, Director of Policy and Special Counsel, AFL-CIO Convener: Mark Massa, S.J., Director, The Boisi Center for Religion…

GOP congressional candidate questions legal separation of church and state

GOP congressional candidate questions legal separation of church and state

Caption Shaw Media file photos Shaw Media file photos Caption Despite significant legal precedents and a widespread acceptance by historians, educators, public officials and civilians, congressional candidate Rick Laib doesn’t believe there’s a constitutional separation of church and state. The subject arose in a discussion with the Daily Herald after…

Commentary: Senators must ask Barrett about same-sex marriage precedent

Commentary: Senators must ask Barrett about same-sex marriage precedent

Los Angeles Times If and when the Senate Judiciary Committee questions Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett, senators are expected to ask her about whether she accepts Roe v. Wade, the 1973 ruling legalizing abortion, as “settled law.” Two current members of the court have teed up another question that…

Op-Ed: The latest threat to same-sex marriage — Clarence Thomas

Op-Ed: The latest threat to same-sex marriage — Clarence Thomas

A supporter of same-sex marriage waves a flag outside the U.S. Supreme Court. The Constitution protects religious beliefs. It does not protect a person’s right to discriminate based on religious belief. But on Monday, two Supreme Court justices — Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito — indicated they see things quite…

Supreme Court Justices Say Obergefell a ‘Problem’ for Religious Liberty

Supreme Court Justices Say Obergefell a ‘Problem’ for Religious Liberty

Justice Thomas and Justice Alito added that the Obergefell ruling “enables courts and governments” to label believers in traditional marriage “as bigots, making their religious liberty concerns that much easier to dismiss.” United States Supreme Court (photo: Rena Schild / Shutterstock) WASHINGTON — Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito on…

Lawsuit alleges “religious test” on Alabama voter registration form

Lawsuit alleges “religious test” on Alabama voter registration form

lawsuit filed in federal court is challenging language on Alabama’s voter registration form, saying that the phrase “so help me God” amounts to a mandatory religious oath prohibited by the Constitution. Alabama is the only state that requires voters to swear the truthfulness of their voter registration information by signing…

DOJ backs Capitol Hill Baptist over DC mayor’s worship restrictions

DOJ backs Capitol Hill Baptist over DC mayor’s worship restrictions

Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. | Wikimedia Commons/Farragutful The Department of Justice is backing Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., in its lawsuit against Mayor Murriel Bowser for unfairly applying a ban on outdoor church services of more than 100 people during the COVID-19 pandemic. The department…

Churches, Photographer Sue Over Virginia’s LGBTQ+ Civil Rights Law

Churches, Photographer Sue Over Virginia’s LGBTQ+ Civil Rights Law

Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring (pictured) says he looks forward to defending the law in court. The anti-LGBTQ+ Alliance Defending Freedom has filed two lawsuits on behalf of clients who contend that Virginia’s new, inclusive civil rights law infringes on their religious liberty and freedom of speech. None of the…

Key Amy Coney Barrett Quotes on Religion, Precedent, Abortion and More

Key Amy Coney Barrett Quotes on Religion, Precedent, Abortion and More

Open gallery view U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit Judge Amy Coney Barrett, a law professor at Notre Dame University, poses in an undated photograph obtained from Notre Dame University September 19, 2020 Some notable quotes from Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett, a former Notre Dame law…

Southland Church Loses Bid To Overturn Ban On Indoor Singing

Southland Church Loses Bid To Overturn Ban On Indoor Singing

Harvest Rock, which has churches across the state, argued that the health order restricting indoor singing violates religious liberty. Harvest Rock, which has churches across the state, argued that the health order restricting indoor singing violates religious liberty. (Shutterstock) LOS ANGELES, CA — A Pasadena-based church lost its bid in…

Harvest Rock Church loses bid to have COVID indoor singing ban overturned

Harvest Rock Church loses bid to have COVID indoor singing ban overturned

Pastor Che Ahn delivers a sermon via YouTube on Sept. 13, 2020, at Harvest Rock Church in Pasadena. (Image from YouTube) LOS ANGELES — Pasadena-based Harvest Rock Church lost its bid for an emergency order overturning Gov. Gavin Newsom’s ban on indoor singing and chanting in places of worship —…

Freedom From Religion group sues Alabama over ‘So help me God’ voter oath

Freedom From Religion group sues Alabama over ‘So help me God’ voter oath

The Freedom From Religion Foundation has sued Alabama over "so help me God" in voter declaration. The Freedom From Religion Foundation has filed a federal lawsuit challenging Alabama’s mandatory religious oath for voter registration. Alabama is the only state in the country that requires voters to register on a form…

GOP congressional candidate questions legal separation of church and state

GOP congressional candidate questions legal separation of church and state

Shaw Media file photos Caption Despite significant legal precedents and a widespread acceptance by historians, educators, public officials and civilians, congressional candidate Rick Laib doesn’t believe there’s a constitutional separation of church and state. The subject arose in a discussion with the Daily Herald after Laib — a Will County…

Federal judge denies injunction, restraining order in Andrew Wommack Ministries lawsuit over religious gathering limits

Federal judge denies injunction, restraining order in Andrew Wommack Ministries lawsuit over religious gathering limits

Andrew Wommack gives a tour of the campus of Charis Bible College in Woodland Park in this Gazette file photo. A U.S. Denver District Court judge denied Andrew Wommack Ministries’ request for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction to override Colorado’s 175-person limit on religious gatherings under COVID-19 restrictions.…

GOP congressional candidate questions legal separation of church and state

GOP congressional candidate questions legal separation of church and state

Bill Foster, left, and Rick Laib. Despite significant legal precedents and a widespread acceptance by historians, educators, public officials and civilians, congressional candidate Rick Laib doesn’t believe there’s a constitutional separation of church and state. The subject arose in a discussion with the Daily Herald after Laib — a Will…