Supreme Court hears case on right of Catholic schools to fire religion teachers

Supreme Court hears case on right of Catholic schools to fire religion teachers

(Shutterstock via CNA) Supreme Court justices on Monday heard arguments for and against extending the Civil Rights Act’s “ministerial exception” to Catholic schools when they fire teachers of religion. “There is no reason for government to get in the business of teaching religion,” stated Eric Rassbach, vice president and senior…

Supreme Court sounds split in case on rights for Catholic school teachers

The Supreme Court justices sounded split Monday on whether to broadly deny civil rights protections to hundreds of thousands of teachers in religious schools, as they heard cases involving two who were fired from Catholic schools in Los Angeles. At issue is whether the Constitution’s protections for religious freedom shields…

Federal judges rule in favor of churches that held in-person services

Federal judges rule in favor of churches that held in-person services At U.S. District Court in Frankfort, Judge Gregory Van Tatenhove issued a temporary restraining order sought by Tabernacle Baptist Church of Nicholasville. The church had been conducting services on Facebook and by drive-in services, but maintained in their arguments, “Tabernacle has a sincerely-held religious belief that online services and…

Federal judge sides with Janet Mills in fight over in-person church services

Federal judge sides with Janet Mills in fight over in-person church services

Calvary Chapel pastor Ken Graves leads a recent drive-in service in Orrington. (BDN) BANGOR (BDN) — A federal judge on Saturday ruled that Gov. Janet Mills’ prohibition on in-person worship services does not violate the First Amendment. Calvary Chapel in Orrington and its pastor, Ken Graves, sued the governor in…

The Law Q&A | Parishioners in pews? No so fast

Does the right of the exercise of religion under the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment allow one to disregard Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s emergency orders on public gatherings? No, said a federal court out of Northern Illinois. A 60-80-member church, Beloved Church of Lena, filed suit in federal court seeking a ruling…

Legal expert says ruling to allow Kentucky’s churches to reopen amid pandemic is a possibly deadly misinterpretation of Constitution

Legal expert says ruling to allow Kentucky’s churches to reopen amid pandemic is a possibly deadly misinterpretation of Constitution

(Courtesy of University of Louisville Brandeis School of Law on Facebook) Tabernacle Baptist Church, Nicholasville, Kentucky. LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) — Houses of worship in Kentucky can open their doors Sunday for in-person services after a federal judge ruled against Gov. Andy Beshear’s executive order prohibiting mass gatherings amid the COVID-19…

Federal judge rules that Kentucky churches can hold in-person services starting Sunday

Federal judge rules that Kentucky churches can hold in-person services starting Sunday

"There’s hand sanitizer in every pew," one attendee said about having in-person worship services at Maryville Baptist Church on Easter Sunday. Louisville Courier Journal A federal judge ruled Friday that Tabernacle Baptist Church in Nicholasville, Kentucky, — and churches all around the commonwealth — may hold in-person services Sunday despite…

Federal courts allow Kentucky churches to have services starting May 10

Federal courts allow Kentucky churches to have services starting May 10

Source: MGN Kentucky churches will be allowed to hold services starting May 10 after rulings in two separate cases. A lawsuit by Maryville Baptist Church and its pastor arguing that Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear’s administration infringed on the congregation’s constitutional rights by restricting faith-based gatherings due to the coronavirus pandemic…

CLC, SBTC and ERLC join in urging Texas Supreme Court action

CLC, SBTC and ERLC join in urging Texas Supreme Court action

AUSTIN—A district court ruling against the Roman Catholic Diocese of Lubbock succeeded in uniting Texas Baptists’ Christian Life Commission and a committee of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention—as well as the national Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission—in a call for action by the Texas Supreme Court. The…

Will the federal courts decide who is a “minister?”

Will the federal courts decide who is a “minister?”

(CNS file photo/Nancy Phelan Wiechec) In two cases now before the Supreme Court, the justices are dealing with the constitutional status of a “minister” at a religious school and with the question of who decides the qualifications of a minister: churches and religious schools, or the federal courts. The cases…

Court rules for church against KY governor

Liberty Counsel won an emergency injunction Saturday, May 2 from a unanimous three-judge panel on the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals prohibiting the enforcement of Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s March 19 and 25 COVID-19 orders against church services at Maryville Baptist Church and its pastor Dr. Jack Roberts. The…

Another church sues Kentucky over ban on in-person services; AG requests to join

Another church sues Kentucky over ban on in-person services; AG requests to join

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear speaks to churchgoers. A church in Kentucky has filed a lawsuit in federal court against Democrat Gov. Andy Beshear and a top health official over orders prohibiting in-person services, even though the church has put in place social distancing precautions. Tabernacle Baptist Church of Nicholasville filed…

Andrew L. Seidel: Stimulus bailout for religious entities is unconstitutional

Andrew L. Seidel: Stimulus bailout for religious entities is unconstitutional

Juan Altamirano climbs to the roof of The Church of the Annunciation while painting the exterior Wednesday, April 8, 2020, in Houston. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip) Lurking within the recently passed congressional stimulus package is a constitutional violation that virtually guarantees massive fraud and abuse. Churches, houses of worship and…

The Peoples’ Constitution: COVID-19 versus Freedom

The Peoples’ Constitution: COVID-19 versus Freedom

The COVID-19 pandemic is threatening many of our most cherished freedoms. We are told by the government not to travel. We are told we can’t gather for religious services. We are told we must wear masks, but we must not go to restaurants or stores. Our favorite sporting events, school…

Court rules for church against KY governor

Court rules for church against KY governor

Liberty Counsel won an emergency injunction Saturday, May 2 from a unanimous three-judge panel on the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals prohibiting the enforcement of Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s March 19 and 25 COVID-19 orders against church services at Maryville Baptist Church and its pastor Dr. Jack Roberts. The…

Jim Dey | Governor wins Round 1 of religious-services fight

Targeted with a “cease and desist order” and fearing criminal or civil actions, officials at the Beloved Church in northern Illinois’ Stevenson County filed a federal lawsuit accusing the state of violating members’ First Amendment right to religious freedom by banning church services. The Rev. Steve Cassell, represented by the…

Governor’s executive orders violate our freedoms

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” If all public and private…

Confusing church and state is more baffling than ‘gay marriage’

Confusing church and state is more baffling than ‘gay marriage’

Editor’s note: This letter is in response to the column, published April 29, 2020. To start, arguing that “marriage has always had a religious tradition” is not entirely accurate. Marriage has existed in every known human culture in history, and predates every major religion practiced today. In ancient Mesopotamia, a…

Court rules for church against KY governor

Court rules for church against KY governor

Liberty Counsel won an emergency injunction Saturday, May 2 from a unanimous three-judge panel on the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals prohibiting the enforcement of Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s March 19 and 25 COVID-19 orders against church services at Maryville Baptist Church and its pastor Dr. Jack Roberts. The…