The Arizona Supreme Court will decide how much leeway business owners have to refuse to serve certain customers based on religious beliefs. PHOENIX — The Arizona Supreme Court will decide Monday how much leeway — if any — business owners have to refuse to serve certain customers based on religious…
Faith-based organisations policy is against the constitution
In democratic pluralist and secular societies, freedom of religion is a fundamental right to be enjoyed by all individuals. The most unique feature of this human right is the extent to which it is premised on personal belief. For the most part in Uganda, under the 1995 constitution, different faiths…
Wash. florist returns to Supreme Court for right to refuse service to gays
Barronelle Stutzman of Arlene’s Flowers is seeking an OK to refuse service to gay couples. (Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key) After obtaining a perfunctory decision last year in her favor, the owner of Arlene’s Flowers in Washington State is back before the U.S. Supreme Court with a renewed…
Ruling in Arizona bakery’s service refusal for same-sex wedding expected today
The Arizona Supreme Court will decide how much leeway business owners have to refuse to serve certain customers based on religious beliefs. PHOENIX — The Arizona Supreme Court will decide Monday how much leeway — if any — business owners have to refuse to serve certain customers based on religious…
Arizona Supreme Court to rule on discrimination case Monday
Breanna Koski, left, and Joanna Duka of Brush & Nib Studio are challenging a Phoenix ordinance prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. They do not want to prepare custom wedding invitations and other products for same-sex nuptials. (Photo courtesy Alliance Defending Freedom) The Arizona Supreme Court will decide…
An ‘Enlightened’ Secular Democratic State of the Jews
{Originally posted to the author’s website } Imagine that a defiantly secular, left-of-center government is formed later this fall, comprising Blue & White, Israel Beytenu, Labor-Gesher, the Democratic Union and the United Arab List – and that it sets out to “fully democratize” Israel. December 2019: Justice Minister Avigdor Liberman…
Ruling Expected In Wedding Invitations Religious Exemption Case
The Arizona Supreme Court will decide Monday how much leeway — if any — business owners have to refuse to serve certain customers based on religious beliefs. Officially the case is whether the city of Phoenix can enforce its ordinance which makes it illegal to discriminate in providing goods or…
Richland florist returns fight for religious freedom vs. gay rights to U.S. Supreme Court
Supporters for both Barronelle Stutzman, owner of Arlene’s Flowers, and gay plaintiffs Robert Ingersoll and Curt Freed made their voices heard after Tuesday’s court hearing. By The Richland floral shop owner at the center of a 6-year fight over religious freedom is once again asking the country’s highest court to…
Utah Supreme Court rules partisan elections for State School Board constitutional
(Francisco Kjolseth | The Salt Lake Tribune) Supreme Court justices Thomas R. Lee, Constandinos Himonas, John A. Pearce and Paige Petersen, from left, listen to Chief Justice Matthew B. Durrant give the state of the judiciary speech to the legislature in the House chamber on the first day of the…
This Court Ruling Shows Why States Can’t Control Artistic Expression
Nicole Russell is a contributor to The Daily Signal. Her work has appeared in The Atlantic, The New York Times, National Review, Politico, The Washington Times, The American Spectator, and Parents Magazine. First Amendment advocates are celebrating a ruling that marks the first federal court victory to address the free…
8th Circuit reinstates legal challenge by videographers who won’t make same-sex wedding videos
Tweet reddit Upvote Downvote Photo image from Shutterstock. A federal appeals court on Friday reinstated a challenge to Minnesota’s anti-bias law by videographers who say they can’t be required to make same-sex wedding videos because it would violate their religious beliefs. The St. Louis-based 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals…
Ruling in Minnesota Wedding Videographers’ Case Properly Prioritizes First Amendment Rights
Thomas Jipping Thomas Jipping is deputy director of the Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies and senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation. A recent decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals in a case arising from Minnesota strikes the right balance between First Amendment rights and…
Rothschild: Opponents wrong regarding legislative prayer issue
Recent articles supporting the Commissioners’ decision to surrender First Amendment prayer rights contain flawed assumptions. The First Amendment states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech.” In the recent Supreme Court Case, Greece v. Galloway,…
Minnesota Christian Couple Gets a Victory for Religious Liberty
Judge David Stras, a Trump appointee, wrote for the 2-1 majority opinion, where he noted that Minnesota can’t force “free and independent individuals to endorse ideas they find objectionable.” Alliance Defending Freedom Carl and Angel Larsen are a St. Cloud, Minnesota couple who run a media business called Telescope Media…
Ruling in Minnesota Wedding Videographers’ Case Properly Prioritizes 1st Amendment Rights
COMMENTARY BY The vast majority of business activities do not affect anyone’s freedom of speech or religion. nathaphat/Getty Images Owners Carl and Angel Larsen want to produce wedding videos, but, based on their religious beliefs, decline requests to do so for same-sex weddings. Courts are increasingly called upon to address…
Law Professor to Lecture on Contentious Church and State Question
Photo Submitted FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – Should Native Americans be allowed to sacramentally ingest peyote with no criminal penalties? Does a crèche belong on the courthouse lawn? And what about the 8-foot-tall bronze statue of the satanic goat monster Baphomet, briefly on view last year at the Arkansas Capitol building? Mark…
Free speech? Or bigotry? Work it out in court
D.J. Tice @StribDJ America has always been an experiment in the limits of diversity. How deeply and in how many ways can a people differ and disagree, and even disapprove of one another’s ways of life, and still remain “a people” — a community with enough shared values to stay…
Victory For Believers: Court Rules Atheists Cannot Offer Prayer In PA State House
Photo by Tetra Images/GettyImages Last Friday, the Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against a group of atheists who sued the Speaker of the Pennsylvania House in federal court, claiming the Pennsylvania House violated the Establishment Clause by barring a non-religious person from offering prayer. The court ruled 2-1…
The Religious Right Is Leading Us Off Valuable First Amendment Rails
Extending First Amendment protection against compelling citizens to endorse ideas they find objectionable appears to depend primarily upon whether the idea or objection falls within Christian doctrine. Almost a year ago, I pointed out that modern religious liberty doctrine is grossly unbalanced in a way that favors religion, the Christian…
Anti-LGBTQ Printer Argues for Discrimination at Kentucky Supreme Court
Blaine Adamson of Hands On Originals A print shop in Lexington, Ky., shouldn’t be forced to produce LGBTQ Pride T-shirts because the message goes against the owner’s religious beliefs, his lawyer told the Kentucky Supreme Court Friday. “The evidence is clear that Hands On Originals serves everyone — and just…
Trump Appeals Judge Creates Religious Exemption from State Anti-Discrimination Law: Confirmed Judges, Confirmed Fears
June 8, 2019: The Capital Pride Parade takes place every year on a Saturday in June between Dupont Circle and Logan Circle. Female pastors show their LGBTQ support. “Confirmed Judges, Confirmed Fears” is a blog series documenting the harmful impact of President Trump’s judges on Americans’ rights and liberties. Trump…
Arguments heard over gay pride T-shirts case
Blaine Adamson FRANKFORT, Ky. (BP) — A Kentucky print shop owner’s decision to not make gay pride T-shirts in 2012 because it went against his religious beliefs was argued before the Kentucky Supreme Court on Friday (Aug. 23). Blaine Adamson, the owner of Hands-On Originals in Lexington, declined to print…
Gov’t can’t force Christians to make gay wedding videos, appeals court rules
Carl and Angel Larsen, the couple who owns the Minnesota-based Telescope Media Group. In Dec. 2016, the Larsens filed suit against a state law that would compel them to film same-sex wedding ceremonies despite their religious objections. An appeals court has ruled in favor of a Christian couple who oversee…
Minnesota filmmakers’ lawsuit over gay weddings reinstated
A federal appeals court on Friday reinstated a lawsuit filed by two Minnesota filmmakers who want the right to refuse to film same-sex weddings, saying that videos are a form of speech with constitutional protections under the First Amendment Carl and Angel Larsen, who run a Christian business called Telescope…
More Politics Is Not the Solution to a Politicized Judiciary
COMMENTARY BY The idea that lawyers cannot be impartial judges because they are partners in a big law firm or take their religious faith seriously is not simply baffling, it is dangerous. William_Potter/Getty Images The Left today rejects the very idea of an impartial judge. This debate about the role…