Covington County sheriff defends religious posts on Facebook page

Covington County sheriff defends religious posts on Facebook page

Covington County Sheriff Blake Turman defended religious posts he’s made on the “Covington County Sheriffs Department” Facebook page after a national organization called them unconstitutional. (Source: WSFA 12 News) COVINGTON COUNTY, Ala. (WSFA) – The Covington County sheriff is responding to a letter that accuses him of unconstitutional religious promotion…

Harry Litman: On religion in public life, the justices are sharply divided

The Supreme Court was able to find a small patch of common ground sufficient to resolve the Bladensburg Peace Cross case, but the various opinions in the decision announced on Thursday reveal the deepest fissures among the justices on the most fundamental questions concerning the Constitution’s establishment clause. First, the…

Litman: Peace Cross decision shows fissures over establishment clause

Litman: Peace Cross decision shows fissures over establishment clause

Harry Litman Hide caption The Supreme Court was able to find a small patch of common ground sufficient to resolve the Bladensburg Peace Cross case, but the various opinions in the decision announced on Thursday reveal the deepest fissures among the justices on the most fundamental questions concerning the Constitution’s…

Symposium: Decision does not support new Christian-only monuments

Holly Hollman is general counsel for the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty, which submitted an amicus brief in support of the respondents in The American Legion v. American Humanist Association . When the U.S. Supreme Court granted certiorari in the Bladensburg cross case , many church-state separationists feared a…

Court’s ruling lets WWI cross stand

Court’s ruling lets WWI cross stand

The 40-foot Maryland Peace Cross, erected in 1925 on public land in Bladensburg, Md., as a tribute to 49 World War I veterans, can continue to stand despite being a symbol of Christianity, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled Thursday. WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that a 40-foot cross…

American Legion Cross Case May Make It Harder To Sue Schools Over Religion

American Legion Cross Case May Make It Harder To Sue Schools Over Religion

The Bladensburg World War I Memorial in Bladensburg, Maryland. It’s hard to think of a more aptly named legal doctrine than the Supreme Court’s Lemon Test. Created in 1971’s Lemon v. Kurtzman , it is meant to determine when government action violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. The…

Supreme Court says 40-foot Maryland cross can stand as war memorial

Supreme Court says 40-foot Maryland cross can stand as war memorial

Supreme Court says 40-foot Maryland cross can stand as war memorial The Supreme Court said Thursday the Constitution did not require tearing down historic monuments just because they featured religious symbols, such as crosses or the Ten Commandments. In a 7-2 decision, the high court upheld the display of a…

SCOTUS: Cross honoring military can remain on public land

SCOTUS: Cross honoring military can remain on public land

Michael Robinson Chavez/Washington Post The “Peace Cross,” the focus of an intense court case regarding its upkeep and placement on public land, stands at a busy intersection in Bladensburg, Md. By Robert Barnes | Washington Post WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that a 40-foot cross erected as a…

Gay Wedding Religious Opt-Out Issue Ducked Again

Gay Wedding Religious Opt-Out Issue Ducked Again

Supreme Court sends cake case back to Washington State high court COURTESY OF LAMBDA LEGAL The US Supreme Court has, for the third time, essentially kicked the can down the road on the question of businesses claiming religious exemptions from providing goods and services for same-sex weddings. On June 17,…

Supreme Court Returns Gay Wedding, Religion Rights Case to State

Supreme Court Returns Gay Wedding, Religion Rights Case to State

Email This The U.S. Supreme Court ordered reconsideration of a $135,000 award against an Oregon bakery that refused to make a cake for a same-sex wedding in a case that revived a fractious debate over religious rights and equal treatment. After more than three months of deliberation, the justices Monday…

U.S. Supreme Court revives Oregon wedding cake case

U.S. Supreme Court revives Oregon wedding cake case

The exterior of Sweet Cakes by Melissa in Gresham in 2013. The business has since closed. On Monday, the Supreme Court threw out an Oregon court ruling against bakers here who refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. The move keeps the high-profile case off the court’s…

Pastors’ Housing Allowance Avoids Supreme Court Challenge

Pastors’ Housing Allowance Avoids Supreme Court Challenge

Tom Rumble photo | Unsplash By Aaron Earls Pastors can rest a little easier in their homes today knowing they or their churches won’t have to pay any additional taxes on their residences—for now. After the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit unanimously affirmed the constitutionality of the…