Why Australia needs a Religious Discrimination Act

Why Australia needs a Religious Discrimination Act

The Ruddock review on Religious Freedom has recommended the creation of a Religious Discrimination Act as part of its 20 recommendations . Some have argued there is no pressing need for a Religious Discrimination Act. All states and territories , except South Australia and New South Wales, currently prohibit discrimination…

How Jehovah’s Witnesses attacked by a Clare mob ended up convicted of blasphemy

How Jehovah’s Witnesses attacked by a Clare mob ended up convicted of blasphemy

Ireland’s blasphemy law has had a long, ineffective and undistinguished tradition Wendy Shea’s cartoon depicted politicians John Bruton, Proinsias de Rossa and Ruairi Quinn walking past a priest distributing communion: the tagline was “Hello Progress – Bye Bye Father” – a play on the anti-divorce campaign slogan “Hello Divorce –…

Professor Douglas Laycock Finishes Volumes on Religious Freedom

Professor Douglas Laycock Finishes Volumes on Religious Freedom

Douglas Laycock has served as lead counsel in six religious liberty cases at the U.S. Supreme Court. Professor Douglas Laycock of the University of Virginia School of Law, one of the nation’s leading experts on religious liberty, has completed a comprehensive series of books about the often legally and socially…

Clergy Housing Tax Break Lands in Seventh Circuit

Clergy Housing Tax Break Lands in Seventh Circuit

CHICAGO (CN) – Churches and the IRS joined forces Wednesday before a sympathetic Seventh Circuit panel to argue that a 65-year-old income tax housing exemption for clergy members does not violate the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause. “The court has to take history into account,” said attorney Luke Goodrich of the…

Blasphemy law is repealed in Ireland but remains a problem for Christian and Muslims

Blasphemy law is repealed in Ireland but remains a problem for Christian and Muslims

Pakistani religious groups protest against a Supreme Court decision that acquitted Asia Bibi, who was accused of blasphemy, in Islamabad, Pakistan. (AP Photo/B.K. Bangash) The citizens of Ireland voted recently, in a nationwide referendum, to remove a clause from their constitution that had made blasphemy a criminal offense. Ireland’s now-defunct…

Liebermans Talk Politics, Slavery, Freedom and Religion

Liebermans Talk Politics, Slavery, Freedom and Religion

Joined by his son, Matthew, Joe Lieberman, talked with David Lewis about his new book, which explores freedom and law from the Jewish perspective. Joe Lieberman is a relic of a time in American politics, in truth not so many years ago, when Democrats and Republicans reached across the ideological…

Coalition MPs angry about being kept in the dark on ‘gay students’ law

Coalition MPs angry about being kept in the dark on ‘gay students’ law

A stoush is brewing in the Coalition over plans to strip religious schools of the right to discriminate against LGBTI students, with conservative MPs angry about being kept in the dark on the changes. Prime Minister Scott Morrison is considering a special party room meeting on the issue today after…

Ravenna nativity display drew lawsuit threats

Ravenna nativity display drew lawsuit threats

Hide caption By Diane Smith / Reporter A nativity scene that was added to the Christmas display at the Ravenna Courthouse Lawn last year was the subject of complaints, including a letter from an out-of-state group that advocates for the separation of church and state. Rebecca Markert, legal director of…

Former Treasury Secretary Lew Talks Faith and Politics at Harvard Law

Former Treasury Secretary Lew Talks Faith and Politics at Harvard Law

Jack J. Lew ’78, former Secretary of the Treasury and Chief of Staff under President Obama, and Noah R. Feldman ’92, a Law School professor, held a discussion about identity, faith, and public responsibility at Harvard Law School. Jack J. Lew ’78, Secretary of the Treasury and White House Chief…

Here’s Something: Art, science, religion, law hold us together

Are you sick of the constant political campaign commercials? Sick of hearing the names of the candidates? Sick of hearing how Candidate X is the best thing since sliced bread or the worst, depending on which political party or political action committee paid for the advertisement? Me, too. (Maybe we…

Legal battle continues over religious leader housing tax break

Legal battle continues over religious leader housing tax break

The future of the “parsonage allowance exclusion” is in the hands of the courts. Photo courtesy of Creative Commons (RNS) — A federal court heard oral arguments this week on whether a longstanding housing tax break for clergy called a “parsonage allowance exclusion” is constitutional, setting the stage for a…

Religious Freedom May Now Include Discrimination Against Jews and Muslims

Religious Freedom May Now Include Discrimination Against Jews and Muslims

Image: Miracle Hill Ministries/Facebook As the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services faces harsh criticism for its proposed policy to redefine “sex,” another memo sits on the desk of HHS Secretary Alex Azar, one that would allow South Carolina child welfare agency Miracle Hill Ministries to affirmatively discriminate on…

U.S. Supreme Court to Wade Into Church-State Battle Over Maryland WWI Cross

Taking up a case that may have implications for how its church-state rulings are applied in public schools, the U.S. Supreme Court on Friday said it would review a lower-court ruling that a 93-year-old cross on public land that memorializes a Maryland county’s World War I dead is unconstitutional. The…

When freedom of expression and religious views clash

When freedom of expression and religious views clash

Much of the English-language journalism in global news services is generated in increasingly secular societies, and in newsrooms, places that lean towards scepticism and irreverence. But the world is not so secular. Faith and its teachings and rituals play central roles in many lives. A readers’ editor sees how offence…

Christians Sentenced to Death Under Sharia Law

In response to the latest abuses against Christians, Amnesty International has initiated an "urgent action" appeal. It has called on the Iranian regime to "quash the convictions and sentences of Victor Bet-Tamraz, Shamiram Isavi, Amin Afshar-Naderi, and Hadi Asgari, as they have been targeted solely for the peaceful exercise of…

Austin Is Being Sued Over an LGBTQ Discrimination Ordinance

Austin Is Being Sued Over an LGBTQ Discrimination Ordinance

(Photo: Yasuyoshi Chiba/AFP/Getty Images) After two conservative Christian groups filed lawsuits against the city of Austin over the past week challenging an ordinance that protects LGBTQ individuals from discrimination, Texas LGBTQ advocates said Wednesday they do not think the lawsuits will hold up in court. The first lawsuit , filed…