Click here to view full article at Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh will be an ardent defender of religious liberty, all experience shows. As general counsel of a law firm devoted to religious liberty cases, I normally would evaluate a judicial nominee by searching through his or her decisions…
Religious freedom
Click here to view full article at Portneuf Valley Interfaith Fellowship Religious freedom is a basic human right that gives our lives dignity and meaning and enables all of us to think, act upon, and express what we deeply believe. It’s recognized in constitutions and declarations the world over.…
Judge: Jewish heritage can be basis for race discrimination
Click here to view full article at Entrance to Louisiana College in Pineville, LA. Photo by Billy Hathorn/Creative Commons (AP) — Jewish people are protected by a law against racial discrimination in employment decisions, a federal magistrate judge has concluded in siding with a football coach suing a private…
Law and religion round-up – 15th July
Click here to view full article at So it’s goodbye from him – and it’s goodbye from him… Brexit Last week, Boris Johnson resigned as Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary and David Davis as Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union. Johnson was replaced by Jeremy Hunt, who campaigned…
Law and religion round-up – 8th July
Click here to view full article at A fairly quiet week – though not for Mrs May… Leicester City Council and criticism of Israel In R (Jewish Rights Watch, t/a Jewish Human Rights Watch) v Leicester City Council [2018] EWCA Civ 1551 , the Court of Appeal ruled unanimously…
Canada’s Supreme Court Relegates Religious Beliefs to Second-Tier Status. America, Be Warned.
Click here to view full article at Emilie Kao is director of the Richard and Helen DeVos Center for Religion & Civil Society at The Heritage Foundation. Canada’s Supreme Court recently ruled 7-2 against Trinity Western University, prioritizing sexual orientation over the free exercise of religion. This ruling should…
A holy mess: Walgreens case shows it’s time to get God out of the workplace
Click here to view full article at I feel about people with strongly held religious convictions pretty much the the same way I feel about people who can juggle machetes and lit torches: I’m impressed and maybe a little envious, but please be careful around others. That’s been on…
Pensions, gender reassignment, religion and marriage: MB
Click here to view full article at The CJEU has ruled in MB v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions [2018] Case C‑451/16 , that the previous position in the United Kingdom under which the acquired gender of a transsexual person was not recognised for the purpose of…
Des Moines diocese defends legality of school grants
Click here to view full article at Des Moines, Iowa, Jun 22, 2018 / 10:49 am ( CNA/EWTN News ).- After reviewing $844,000 worth of grants that were given by Polk County, Iowa to local Catholic schools a few years back, the Diocese of Des Moines said that it…
Jordan Peterson Warns Canadian Christians Their Religious Freedom Rights Are Eroding
Click here to view full article at (Screenshot: YouTube/The Bridgehead)Jordan Peterson in an interview with Canadian author and activist Faytene Grassechi uploaded on June 20, 2018. Jordan Peterson, the Canadian psychologist, author, and free-speech advocate, has warned Canadian Christians that they must make a "great leap forward" because religious…
Canadian Supreme Court upholds right of law societies to deny accreditation to Christian law school over homosexuality beliefs
Click here to view full article at The aerial view of Trinity Western University is seen in a screen capture of a video promoting the school. The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that law societies in Ontario and British Columbia can deny accreditation to an evangelical Christian law…
Law and religion round-up – 17th June
Click here to view full article at Trinity Western was probably the main news of the week, but the likely abolition of blasphemy in Ireland may prove of wider importance in the longer term. Trinity Western On Friday, the Supreme Court of Canada handed down two judgments in the…
Canada’s top court ‘obliterated’ religious rights in ruling against Christian university: critics
Click here to view full article at Shutterstock OTTAWA, June 15, 2018 ( LifeSiteNews ) – The Supreme Court decision favoring LGBTQ “rights” over a Christian college’s freedom to uphold Christian moral standards is an outright attack on religious freedom, said a number of critics. In a pair of…
Canada’s top court ‘obliterated’ religious rights in ruling against Christian university: critics
Click here to view full article at Shutterstock OTTAWA, June 15, 2018 ( LifeSiteNews ) – The Supreme Court decision favoring LGBTQ “rights” over a Christian college’s freedom to uphold Christian moral standards is an outright attack on religious freedom, said a number of critics. In a pair of…
Colby Cosh: Does the Supreme Court’s TWU decision herald a more disputatious future?
Click here to view full article at As my beloved readers know, I have always enjoyed Canadian appellate law in the spirit of a knowledgeable spectator. And I have always believed that the news media may not have been devoting enough attention and resources to this element in the…
Some Reflections on Animus and “Adjudicatory Bodies”
Click here to view full article at Another slightly longer thought on the Masterpiece Cakeshop decision. Many were interested to see how the role of “animus” might affect the outcome in the case, and specifically the free exercise leg of the case. Animus played a starring role. Animus mattered…
Courts Have No Business Determining the “True” Requirements of Any Religion
Click here to view full article at Writing for the majority in the Supreme Court’s ruling on the case of the Christian baker who refused to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding, Justice Anthony Kennedy noted that “it hardly requires restating that government has no role in deciding…
The Arizona Case That’s Proving the Colorado Baker ‘Victory’ Didn’t Solve Anything
Click here to view full article at Many religious liberty advocates were thrilled with last week’s Supreme Court ruling which seemingly vindicated a Colorado baker who declined to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple, citing his Christian beliefs. A recent decision by an Arizona appellate court, however,…
SCOTUS Rules for Baker, Waiting-Time Penalties, the “Epic” Effect, New Salary History Bans: Employment Law This Week: June 11, 2018
Click here to view full article at GroPro 20/20 Big Ideas for Law Firm & Accounting Firm CMO Sales & Marketing Pros– June 13 NYC 1. SCOTUS Rules for Christian Colorado Baker Our top story: On narrow grounds, the Supreme Court of the United States has found in favor…
Public university lets Quidditch Club choose its own leaders but not Christian group: lawsuit
Click here to view full article at ‘Change of position wasn’t a change of heart’ InterVarsity is making “second-class citizens” out of Wayne State University students by not letting non-Christians run for leadership posts in the Christian campus organization, according to the public university. It’s trying to get a…
We need a Supreme Court decision defending religious liberty. The Cakeshop case wasn’t it.
Click here to view full article at A view of the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C., Dec. 4, 2017. (Win McNamee/Getty Images) WASHINGTON ( JTA ) — The Supreme Court’s much-anticipated decision in the case of the Colorado baker who was penalized because he refused, on religious…
We need a Supreme Court decision defending religious liberty. The Cakeshop case wasn’t it.
Click here to view full article at A view of the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C., Dec. 4, 2017. (Win McNamee/Getty Images) WASHINGTON ( JTA ) — The Supreme Court’s much-anticipated decision in the case of the Colorado baker who was penalized because he refused, on religious…
Lange: Six takeaways from Masterpiece Cakeshop decision
Click here to view full article at On Monday, June 4, the United States Supreme Court vindicated Jack Phillips, proprietor of Masterpiece Cakeshop. For nearly six years, the Colorado Civil Rights Commission has been preventing him from creating wedding cakes, 40 percent of his business. His crime, according to…
Lange: Six takeaways from Masterpiece Cakeshop decision
Click here to view full article at On Monday, June 4, the United States Supreme Court vindicated Jack Phillips, proprietor of Masterpiece Cakeshop. For nearly six years, the Colorado Civil Rights Commission has been preventing him from creating wedding cakes, 40 percent of his business. His crime, according to…
Free exercise of religion baked into our Constitution
Click here to view full article at The Supreme Court made an important ruling this week, and like the cases involving Hobby Lobby and the Little Sisters of the Poor, it involved the rights of religious conscience and the ability to uphold personal values in the workplace and marketplace.…