The Boy Who Cried Wolf Hypothesis (Further Thoughts in Response to Rob)

First, Rob writes that Christians are “lead[ing] the charge” against Muslims in some communities, citing conservative Christian support for so-called anti-Sharia laws and for the denial of zoning permits for the construction of mosques. I wonder if this is true. No doubt some conservative Christians do support these policies. But…

The CJEU ruling media storm is much ado about nothing

The case sought a preliminary ruling on the question of whether a blanket ban on the wearing of religious symbols by a private employer would amount to direct discrimination under the meaning of the Employment Directive. The Church of England has issued a statement expressing its grave concern over the…

James Tonty‘s New Book “Constitutional Law” is an Overview of the Development of the United States Constitution, from Founding Documents to the Birth of the Republic

“Constitutional Law” from Christian Faith Publishing author James Tonty is an examination of the development of the United States Constitution starting from the earliest beginnings of the founding documents from the first settlements, through the War of Independence from England to the establishment of the Republic. This dissertation will […]…

Plaques, noticeboards and acknowledgements

Faculty jurisdiction and external signage The commercial relationship between individual churches and external organizations frequently requires the display of clearly visible signage, often outside the church building. This was the substance of the recently-reported Re St Bartholomew Welby [2017] ECC Lei 1,in which the court considered how a grant from…

Boersma on Religious Law Schools

Ongoing litigation in Canada suggests that the legal status of religiously affiliated law schools could be in jeopardy. In Canada, regulatory authorities have sought to deny accreditation status to a religiously affiliated law school (Trinity Western University) due to its commitment to a traditional Christian understanding of marriage. According to…

On the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom

On the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom Click here to view full article at At the Library of Law and Liberty this morning, I have a post on the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom of 1786, the anniversary of which America marked last week. Among other things, I describe…

“Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation” By Nazir S Bhatti

“Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation” By Nazir S Bhatti

London: December 22, 2016. (PCP) Former president of Pakistan and co-chairman of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Asif Ali Zardari has told the Ameer Jammat-e-Islami Sirajul Haq to take back the Sindh Assembly’s recently passed forced conversion bill in the. Siraj thanked the PPP leader for taking into consideration the…

Law and religion round-up – 22nd January

From the wekkly roundup of law and religion news: Brexit Northern Ireland elections The Charity Commission and the Jehovah’s Witnesses Assisting suicide: the DPP’s policy Burial rights reform Unsafe memorials in cemeteries The UKSC Brexit judgments: R (Miller) etc

Wrap-up: Church court divorce void

A case before the Supreme Court of India has garnered a lot of attention. The issue concerns Christian divorce law in the country: Christian personal law cannot override the Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872 and the Divorce Act, 1869, the Supreme Court held on Thursday while dismissing a PIL seeking…

Fears Grow Over Religious Freedom Restrictions In Vietnam

Religious freedom in Vietnam is at risk of deteriorating under the government’s new Law on Belief and Religion, a senior bishop told officials on Monday. Bishop Peter Nguyen Van Kham, secretary general of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Vietnam, was speaking at a meeting between government officials and representatives from…

Ecclesiastical court judgments – December

Ecclesiastical court judgments – December

The post Issues of equality in the consistory courts considers the application of the Equality Act 2010 to the proposed disabled access to a pre-fabricated timber frame building into the community garden at the church, Re St Christopher Walworth [2016] ECC Swk 14. In addition to the inexcusable actions by…

HB 1523 opponents growing in number

HB 1523 opponents growing in number

The U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals is gearing up to hear arguments on HB 1523 after U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves ruled the law unconstitutional in June. On Dec. 23, various attorneys filed six amicus briefs in the appellant court representing a total of 70 people or groups with…

Four Pieces on Culture Warring–Inevitable, Interminable, Permanent

Four Pieces on Culture Warring–Inevitable, Interminable, Permanent

For one reason or another, a number of people in the blogosphere have been writing culture war posts in the last few days. Perhaps it’s the end of the year, or the looming political changes, or exam avoidance, or just the holiday cheer. For those who are interested, have a…

Update on 2016 Law and Religion issues and preview for 2017

It seems a good time of the year to take stock of the current status of some important Law and Religion issues discussed this year, and to flag some upcoming issues for the New Year. A. Same Sex Marriage 1. Making the change in Australia? 2. Protecting Religious Freedom if…

Top Ten Religious Liberty and Church-State Developments of 2016

Top Ten Religious Liberty and Church-State Developments of 2016

For an alternative view of the Top Ten Religious Liberty Stories of 2016, see this post by Baptist Joint Committee blogger Don Byrd. Each year in December, I attempt to pick the most important church-state and religious liberty developments of the past year. This was a busy year, and a…

Law and religion round-up – 25th December

Charity and the advancement of religion Annual reporting consultation Short-term visitor visas for clergy The Great Irish Bake-Off series 3? Yet more on Brexit Quick links And finally…A member of the Polish Parliament, Beata Mateusiak-Pielucha of the ruling Law and Justice Party, has argued that “We should demand that atheists,…

Supreme Court takes Christian-affiliated hospital pension case

Supreme Court takes Christian-affiliated hospital pension case

(Reuters) – The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday agreed to hear appeals by Christian-affiliated hospital systems of lower court rulings that gave the green light to employee lawsuits accusing them of wrongly claiming a religious exemption from federal pension law. New Jersey-based St. Peter’s Healthcare System, Illinois-based Advocate Health System…

Gilmour v Coats Revisited: a study in the law of public benefit

This article [1] revisits the case of Gilmour v Coats [1949] AC 426, [1949] UKHL 1. It is a timely moment to revisit the case because there is doubt about the requirement of public benefit for charities with purposes to advance religion. The case deals with the issue of private religious practice and the extent to which a religious organisation needs to engage with the public.

Christian artists could be jailed for refusing make same sex wedding invitations

A pair of Arizona-based Christian artists is challenging the local law that threatens to fine and imprison them for refusing to make same-sex wedding invitations. The ordinance also prevents the business owners from publicly explaining their convictions or even defending their decision lest they face jail time for that as…

Suit Seeks To Have Archbishop Sheen’s Remains Moved To Illinois

Suit Seeks To Have Archbishop Sheen’s Remains Moved To Illinois

Sheen is about to be beatified by the Vatican– a step toward Sainthood. The Beatification Ceremony will take place in Peoria since Peoria’s Bishop Daniel Jenky was the Promoter for the Cause of Sainthood for Sheen. According to the New York Times, New York church officials object to moving the…

Expropriated church property: Lupeni in the Grand Chamber

In 1948, the Greek-Catholic Church of Romania [Biserica Română Unită cu Roma, Greco-Catolică] was dissolved by Nicolai Ceaușescu and its property handed over to the Orthodox Church by decree. After the fall of Ceaușescu in 1989, Legislative Decree No. 126/1990 was passed to provide that the legal status of property…

Air Force Academy Facing Potential Lawsuit for Pre-Game Prayers

Air Force Academy Facing Potential Lawsuit for Pre-Game Prayers

Last December, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation threatened the US Air Force Academy with a lawsuit if the did not stop players from holding pre-game prayers together on the field. The Air Force launched an inquiry into the matter, and discussed concerns about some players perhaps feeling “pressure” to participate, but…